Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015


Hi people!

I just noticed that I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm sorry! I completely forgot.

Well, I am an 18-year-old girl from Austria and my name's Kathi, as you might know by now. I started studying translation studies at the University of Graz this Wintersemester. Unfortunately it is not going so well and this is why I am going to quit. Instead of studying I'm thinking of becoming a dancing teacher because I love dancing. When I was a child I had ballet lessons. By now, I've been attending dancing courses since September 2014 ... I would like to be in the dancing school and dance all the time. You know, dancing changes me. (Positively of course.) It already made me more self-confident. I think that this is pretty amazing! Anyway, I also love my family and animals, horse riding, reading books, listening to music, watching movies or TV and singing. – I have been singing in a choir for almost two years now and I'm still overwhelmed when all four singing voice groups (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) sing together. It sounds so awesome! :-) I've also played a few instruments some years back. When I was a kid, I played the recorder (classic, right? ;-D), I then switched to the flute and in the end I played the piano. I think I stopped playing the piano the previous year. Now my voice is my instrument. :) Changing the subject: I mentioned animals and horse riding before. Well, I grew up with animals and I absolutely can't imagine living without my pets. Concerning horse riding: I have been riding for nine or ten years now and since seven years my mum and me have got our own horse. All in all, I got two cats, a dog and a horse. Full house of animals, right?
By the way, the reason why I set up this blog is because our English teacher at University told us to. :-P I have never posted blogs before, thus I am new with that. If I make any mistakes, I'm sorry!
Uhm, what else to write? . . . Oh, I got something: One dream of mine is to go to the USA. I don't know why want to go there so badly. I just want to stay there for a while, preferably in California in L.A. That'd be more than great!! I'm afraid that it is going to take a while until I am able to leave for a while but I'm telling you, one day ... ;-)

Okay, I hope you guys and me are going to have a lot of fun together! =)


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